Father’s Day an Occasion to Honor Fatherhood


Father’s Day is an occasion to honor fatherhood. A father is not just a bread winner but someone who is looked up to for guidance. He shoulders the responsibility of the entire family. His acts of love are often taken for granted. We don’t always seem to see the effort he puts in to run the house. We often fail to take notice, mostly because we see his acts of love more as an obligation.

Yet, a father is someone who sacrifices his time and energy selflessly so that you could live comfortably.

The history of Father’s Day takes us way back to the early 1900s, and was inspired by Mother’s Day services which began in 1908.

Mrs. Sonora Dodd was the first person to come up with the idea of celebrating Father’s Day. She wanted to pay tribute to her late father, William Smart, who became a single parent when her mother died in childbirth. Her father raised 6 children on his own, which was a big feat at that time.

Mrs. Dodd wanted to hold a memorial service on the anniversary of her father’s death, June 5th 1910. However, since the organizers had less time at hand, the date of the service was postponed to June 19th. Since then, the third Sunday of June was observed as Father’s Day.

It was not until 1924, that President Coolidge of US recommended Father’s Day as a national holiday. 48 years later, President Nixon of US officially recognized Father’s Day in 1972.

Father’s day is not just an occasion but a celebration, a way to thank our father for all the love he has shown. It is a day to build strong paternal bonds, a day to make society aware of the hidden force that constantly works for their family’s well being.

The most humble way of saying thank you to your father is by giving him a gift. Instead of falling into the trap of gifting a typical -boring gift, keep some time aside to think about him, and what he likes. Remember, men too have desire for things that they may want dearly but they won’t justify buying it for themselves. If you could learn of this secret, you have already won half the battle in making him feel special.

The gift doesn’t have to be very expensive or too extravagant. The gift should be something that comes from the heart.

When you recall all the wonderful things your father has done for you over the years, it can be a challenging task to know where to start and how would you like to pay tribute to him. With Father’s Day on the way, it’s a perfect way to make him feel special.

Speaking of gifts to be given to your dad, gadgets and technology are the best gift choice and are equivalent to the choice of diamonds to a woman. Try gifting him something interesting. Making the gift exclusive is all the more heart warming. For example, if you wish to gift him a book, gift him a specially autographed book.

Customized gifting is also an interesting option. You could start by choosing your favourite family photo. Then decide how you would like to have it personalized. You could choose from a variety of options such as coffee mugs, mouse pads, t-shirts, even bed sheets. You can design a father’s day card by making use of your favorite photos and having some heartfelt text written on it like ”Love you dad’ or ‘Best dad in the world’.


Source by Gulit Nilay Upadhyay


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