A product with numerous golf driving tips is about to be disclosed to you. In this article, we will discuss how to eliminate strokes from your scorecard, how to win in long drive tournaments and much more.
Introducing – Simple Golf Swing
Almost, this book has taught very valuable lessons to over 50,000 golfers who had problems and inconsistencies in playing. Written by David Nevogt, this book appears to be dominating the top 5 most popular golf related e-books in Clickbank, popular teaching priceless golfing techniques to frustrated golfers.
In this book, David Nevogt shares how he was able to observe golf players over the years while working as a sports writer. He says he was able to discover the techniques of great golfers and he aims to share these techniques to the whole world through this book.
Simple Golf Swing teachers golfers the proper stance, gripping and timing to enhance golf driving skills. This book can also teach how to aim accurately, hit the ball with precision and get rid of those awful slices.
Bonus package are also included on top of the Simple Golf Swing e-book.
Bonus 1 – The Simple Chip
This will teach you how to knock strokes off your scorecard fast.
Bonus 2 – Mike Pedersen's Fit to A Tee
This explain how your body can affect your swing and how to change it.
Bonus 3 – Training Aids You Can Make at Home
This will demonstrate how to make golf training aids out of clothes hangers, tennis racks and other things that can be found in your home.
Bonus 4 – Putting Lessons
Valuable Putting tips compiled by popular golf instructors.
Bonus 5 – How to Get Out of the Sand and Close to the Cup
Learn and swing your way out of the hazards on the way to victory.
Bonus 6 – Lifetime Upgrades
Free access to new materials by Nevogt.
Bonus 7 – Mental Pre-Shot Routine
Simple mental trainings and preparations that can be done in 5 seconds.
Bonus 8 – Mike Austin's Secrets
How Austin launched that ball 515 yards 35 years ago.
Source by John Dean Burrows