How to Be Sensual – 5 Techniques to Be Totally Irresistible


Sensuality is a strong characteristic and women totally swoon over men who can show a little of their sexy and intense side every once in a while. A sensual lover will always be much more hot and tempting to a woman that’s why more and more men today try hard to learn the ways of an alpha male to please their ladies to no end. But you don’t need to totally try hard and pop a vein to learn how to be sensual. Below are the five techniques to be to ultimately irresistible to the female species — make them happier now:

  1. Lean over and get close. You can practically get close to her in a thousand possible ways — you can touch her bare shoulder, whisper in her ear, lean towards her while attempting to reach for something, tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear — your options are endless. You might as well want to tap on her shoulder lightly and comment about the weather or you can rest a hand on her knee while trying to emphasize a point — whatever your style, always try to move closer.
  2. Spray on a good scent. To get more points with the women, most men do some little hygiene ritual before hitting on the girls. Some scents work as an absolute aphrodisiac what more can stimulate a woman’s senses when she knows you’re a few inches away, smelling like a god and making her totally turned on — you get the picture.
  3. Give her the sexy gaze. Always sustain eye contact — that’s you best bet to hold a woman’s interest. When things start to get a little intense, go ahead and give her the sexy gaze — a little droopy, sleepy eyes and couple it with grin. She’ll never miss it. Travel your gaze up and down her body and she will be all fired up for you sooner that you expected.
  4. Flirt and have fun. There are plenty of body language flirting signals you can make use of — however, these tips will be useless if you don’t know how to have a great time. Have fun while exchanging a few teasing and naughty jokes together and she will be more than willing to get naughtier with you — women want to be mentally stimulated first to get it on.
  5. Maintain her curiosity. A daily dose of intrigue and drama is vital in a woman’s life. No wonder they often fall for the debonair, mysterious fellow. So be sensual by creating your aura of mystery — she will asking for more.

Do you want to become a master when it comes to the art of flirting? Do you have what it takes to be an expert on how to be seductive? Unravel more secrets of seduction and other seduction methods by visiting my website right now. It holds all amazing techniques on how to be great and sensual with women you thought you’d never get a chance with!


Source by Shaun Michaels


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