Late night responds to Trump's press conference


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President Trump’s news conference left many shocked while leaving late night hosts, such as ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel, ready to respond — even if they had other things planned.

“We had so much fun stuff planned for you tonight, we worked on it all day,” Kimmel told his “Jimmy Kimmel Live” audience on Tuesday. “Then he opened his mouth and all manner of stupid came out.”

Kimmel was referring to Trump’s news conference on Tuesday in which the president spoke about the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, and equated white supremacists on one side with what he called the “alt-left” on the other.

“And I’m not joking when I say I would feel more comfortable if Cersei Lannister was running this country,” Kimmel said, referring to the “Game of Thrones” character. “It started as a press conference about infrastructure, and ended with our president making an angry and passionate defense of white supremacists. It was like if your book club meeting turned into a cockfight. It really was remarkable.”

Kimmel added that with “reasonable certainty” the president “is completely unhinged.”

“The wheels are off the wagon and hurtling towards the moon right now,” he said.

Other late show hosts like CBS’ Stephen Colbert shared Kimmel’s sentiment

“He held a press conference today in, I believe, the seventh circle of Hell,” Colbert said while opening his show.

The “Late Show” host noted that during the press conference Trump said that the reason he waited two days to properly respond to the violence was because he needed the facts.

“I wait for the facts, okay?” Colbert said, impersonating Trump. “Just ask the millions of illegal voters who refused to look for Obama’s birth certificate during my record breaking inauguration, okay? It’s all on the Obama wiretaps.”

NBC’s Seth Meyers also chimed in about Trump’s press conference with a segment called “Breaking Crazy.”

“President Trump this afternoon gave a press conference that can only be described as clinically insane,” Meyers said in a clip from Tuesday’s broadcast. “You know that list of side effects at the end of a pharmaceutical ad? He apparently has all of them.”

Meyers showed clips from the press conference and seemed beyond bewildered by what the president was saying.

“Usually when someone is talking that level of crazy, Batman crashes through the ceiling and punches him,” the “Late Night” host remarked.

The host then described Trump as a “bad waitress in a crappy diner who is trying to get fired so she can go to a concert.”

“Congress, isn’t this enough? Cut bait on the president,” Meyers said. “It’s time to let this crazy bitch go to the concert.”


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