Three of the most prominent and widely read magazines — Time, The New Yorker, and The Economist — are reacting to the latest controversies rocking the Trump administration with bold, pointed art on their covers.
The New Yorker’s upcoming cover reacts to Trump’s response to a violent white supremacist rally in Virginia.
It features a sketched image of the president seated in a rowboat, blowing into a sail that’s drawn to resemble the white hoods worn by members of the Ku Klux Klan.
The artist who created the cover, David Punkert, said on Twitter the piece is titled “Blowhard.”
The Economist teased its upcoming cover in a tweet Thursday. A cartoon-esque depiction of Trump screaming into a megaphone — which is also drawn to resemble a Klan hood — accompanies a link to the magazine’s cover story and this tagline: “Donald Trump is politically inept, morally barren and temperamentally unfit for office.”
Time didn’t include a depiction of Trump, but it’s stark white cover calls out what many accuse Trump of fueling this week: “Hate in America.”
It also features a drawing of a man draped in the American flag giving a Nazi salute.
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