Imagine something for a moment. The wife who lives next door, the housewives who live down the street, the wives you see in the mall on a Sunday morning, every wife you know or could ever bump into: imagine if you had the know-how to seduce half of them; heck, imagine if you could seduce just one percent.
This short article is my attempt to boil down everything you need to know to attract a married woman.
Let me ask you this: why would any guy want to seduce a wife?
Now let me give you some food for thought.
Most men – and, I’m guessing, this applies to you – who want to have relationships with wives do so for sexual encounters or, as they are more commonly known, hookups. A wife, unlike a single woman, is the perfect woman for a man like you or any man. She has no real interest in your career; she could care less if you drive a sports car; she has no interest in the bank balance or the size of your home. The married woman is, in fact, not interested in most things that would interest a single woman. She is, in fact, interested in the same thing as you: a sexual meeting.
It is for these very reasons that clever men like yourself want to learn how to attract a married woman.
These ladies want what you want and they are infinitely easier to seduce than women without husbands.
So let me now give you the information you came here to read: my boiled down tips to seduce wives.
To make things more digestible, I’ll give you three tips. And these are really all you need to know.
Firstly, married ladies have anxieties about cheating.
It is your job to get rid of these fears. She will worry about being caught, about how it will make her feel, about whether another man can find her attractive, and whether or not she will have regrets. You need to tackle each anxiety. Once she has no fears, she becomes many times more likely to cheat with you.
Secondly, you need to make it very clear to her that you have no intention of wanting more than a fun fling.
Married women looking to cheat want men who are seeking casual relationships. Give her the impression that you want marriage or that you are seeking love and you stand very little chance of seducing her.
And, thirdly, my final tip for how you can attract a married woman. It is a sad fact of life that married relationships become stale.
What I mean is the excitement disappears. And, compounding this, both parties stop making an effort. So what can and should you do? You should bring excitement and fun to her life. Take her on a surprise date to something totally unexpected. Notice her beauty and let her know. Make an effort yourself to look the best you can look (new clothes and men’s fragrance work wonders).
Wife seduction always boils down to these three principles. Remember them and you will instantly put yourself ahead of the game!
Source by Angelina Andrews